Prince Edward Island

What can we say about Prince Edward Island. We know that you do not want a long desription, but something concise and lasting. So here goes. The island is a paridse in the summer with red sand beaches beautiful, rolling pastoral landscapes and the ocean never far away. It is also the home of Anne of green Gables. We lived Annes life through visiting the real places she wrote about including green gables and Silver bush. We went to two musicals that chronicled Anne's Green Gables life and her love story with Gilbert Blythe. We also hiked, Biked, rode boats, fished, tried to eat the fish Rob caught, went to a Cailah(PEI's own version of a scottish bluegrass hodown, sat on the beach, visited lighthouses, ate lobster, shopped, went to a local church, saw where L. M. Montgomery was born, where she is lived and where she is buried, and we relaxed. The least thing we seemed to do was relax as Amee took us all around the Island (140 miles wide and 40 miles north south) we loved every minute of it and reccomend it to everyone. It is the second most beautiful place I have ever seen (Yosemitee valley is the first) but the most magical. You feel like you are in an L.M. Montgomery story just being there and somehow life is exactly what you always thought it could be. The best part is that we brought the magic back home with us and keep it in our hearts and our spirits. It was truly a blessed moment in our lives.