Greetings from Ogdesburg, NY! We have been here for about a year now and we thought we would start sharing some of the cooler things about being on the East Coast. For instance, they put gravy on everything. Well, that isn't cool, but trust us it's noteworthy.
What is cool is the "buggy only" parking at Wal-Mart for the Amish. Who knew the Amish shopped at Wal-Mart? You should also see them drooling over the power tools at Lowes. They do make good cheese and comfortable furniture, though.
When people come to visit us here in upstate (and we mean upstate) New York and want to go to the city, we take them to Ottawa, Canada. We said upstate. Come on, it's Canada's capitol and it's only 45 minutes away. Oh, and in Canada they put gravy and cheese on their french fries. It's called poutine (poo-teen).
We are 30 minutes away from a world-class resort area called Alexandria Bay. Okay, so it was world-class in like 1910, but you know there are still castles and stuff. Rob has also found his favorite burger at a place called Brass Tacks. But, the real gem is the mini golf course, which was last renovated in 1910. There is no water in the ponds, the turf is almost dirt and one sad turtle sandbox lies beached on a rock underneath a bridge that crosses a dry "St. Lawrence." It is so sad it's really fun.
These are just a few of the interesting things we have found around here, there is everything from the truly great to the truly ... ummm ... unique. We hope this has whet your appitite and that you will look back often to see what we have been up to.
The photo, by the way, was actually taken at St. John's VBS this summer, just to prove that Rob has been working. He has turned the place into a circus, obviously. It didn't take as long as Amee thought it would.
Thanks for reading,
Amee and Rob