Spring brings bird attacks

We haven't posted in a while because we have just been too busy in the outside world to pay much attention to this one. We finally got snow. A lot of snow, but not as much as towns to the south of us. However, once we got snow, it took too long to go away for Rob's taste.
But now there are signs that spring is finally here. The tulips have bloomed, the lilacs are ready to pop open and the birds are back. However, the birds seem to have gotten an attitude on their winter vacation. This new attitude has been revealed in two incidents so far.
First, while Rob was away at the Wineskins conference, Amee was just sitting in the den minding her own business when suddenly a bird flew out of the radiator. (Well, it seemed like the bird flew out of the radiator, it actually came through the hole in the floor that the radiator pipe comes through.) This was quite shocking. We have had a bird come in the open fireplace flu, but not in through the floor. How did the bird get into the basement to be able to come up through the floor in the first place?
Anyway, Amee was able to flee the room trapping the bird in the den. (I would like to say that she calmly walked out of the room and devised a plot to trap the bird, but alas, the truth is she ran screaming from the room slamming the door behind her and it was just pure luck the other door was shut.) With Rob out of town, Amee quickly called her friend Danielle in for help. The two of them got the bird to go outside, but Amee swears it is still stalking her.
Then, just the other day as Rob walked home from work, a whole 200 feet or so, a bird decided Rob's head was a nice place to relieve himself. Poor Rob was splatted right on the head. We have no proof that this was the same bird, but Amee thinks even if it wasn't the same bird, it smells like a conspiracy.
Despite the recent bird attacks, we are still having fun planning for our June camping trip to Maine. We bought our tent and put it up in our living room the other day. Yes, we were the crazy people with a 6-foot 6-inch tall tent in their house. But only for a few hours. We just hope the weather is tolerable by the time we go.
In other news, Rob won first place in his level at the Karate Tournament at the end of March. He beat out seven other guys in the yellow and green belt category to take home the big trophy. It is a really big trophy that has found a home on the top of our mantel in the den. Rob took it to church to show off to the Sunday School kids. They were not impressed however because he only has one trophy and they all have several.
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